LJNDawson.com, Consulting to the Book Publishing Industry
Book Publishing Industry Consultant

Borders's new shop

As we all know, Borders launched its site yesterday. I was browsing around it today. Their "Magic Shelf" looks identical to B&N.com's (and not a feature I'm crazy about anyway). The "Borders Media" page seems a bit much - do I really want my bookstore hurling all these authors at me? I'm not sure. And that's the thing - sure, Borders is doing their website better than Amazon did. No question it is very "bookstory". But does all that bookstore-ness actually mean anything when I can get a book AND a camera AND a set of knives from Amazon - in other words, on the web, why does it make a difference that a bookstore is a bookstore? What's going to win Borders customer loyalty over Amazon, where people have been trained to go for books for over a decade, and B&N, which has pretty much scooped up the remainder?

I don't know the answer.
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