LJNDawson.com, Consulting to the Book Publishing Industry
Book Publishing Industry Consultant

The Big Picture

In this issue of The Big Picture:

- by industry consultant Laura Dawson
INTEL: COMPANIES - R. R. Bowker buys Medialab Solutions by Amsterdam
INTEL: PEOPLE - SirsiDynix names new CFO
THE JOB EXCHANGE - Listing the hottest jobs in the sector

"Amazon?s Kindle shows no sign of being born and the thundering hordes are not stampeding to buy Sony?s Reader.

Meanwhile, the digital revolution in publishing is happening?more or less around this e-book problem, the elephant in the living room.

As Mike Shatzkin et al told crowds at Klopotek?s Digital Asset Distribution conference last week ? and as a host of panelists parsed at O?Reilly?s Tools of Change conference ? publishing is taking a great leap forward into the realm of the technological.

(Well, there?s some argument as to whether publishing is leaping or being pushed, but that?s another column; I?ll let Jim Lichtenberg address that one.)

This, despite a viable e-book reader..."

Click here to access our newsletter archives and read the June 26, 2007 issue in full.
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