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IDPF Revisited

Just recently we mentioned the press release from the International Digital Publishing Forum in which they announce the new emerging standards for eBooks.

There's a counter-perspective (of sorts) located here - ironically, it was penned by Jon Noring one of the contributors to the IDPF project itself. Noring calls the press "cotton-candy" as opposed to a genuine effort at standardization.

From article:
"Just as it has been the last few years, I don’t see IDPF truly interested in promoting a single, open, universal, consumer-level digital publication format standard, along with a single, industry-managed, consumer-friendly DRM standard. IDPF must believe by focusing on this “open” Container standard, which can contain a bunch of proprietary formats, and slip in OEBPS through the “back door,” that they can convince the world they are promoting a single universal open standard, but I simply see it as smoke and mirrors."

Read the entire piece here.
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