LJNDawson.com, Consulting to the Book Publishing Industry
Book Publishing Industry Consultant

Like I was saying....

Shelf Awareness reports this morning:

General retail sales figures for August show a tough retail climate--even before Hurricane Katrina hit. A sales decline of 2.1%, largely because of gasoline price rises that seem tame compared to early September's, was twice as high as forecasted.

Apparently retailers are leaping onto the blame-Katrina bandwagon pre-emptively.

MSNBC issued an interesting report yesterday. It seems that consumers are using their cars less - combining errands, looking to save gas - and so their shopping habits have changed.

The longer-term impact may well create even more business for one-stop-shop retailers like supercenters and warehouse club stores as we watch our expenses.

Additionally, this report implies, supermarkets will be increasing their offerings.

So, folks, if consumers are not getting in their cars and driving to the bookstore...why not increase the selection of books at the big-boxes and supermarkets? And if we're headed down that road, why not incorporate book industry data in the
Global Data Synchronization Network?

Because at some point it's not going to be a lovely nice-to-have; it's going to be essential if you want to sell books in this country. And as gas prices go up, as consumers dial back their spending, as retail consolidates, it's going to be essential sooner rather than later.
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