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Teleread blog

As I've been blogging, I'm really taken with the blog of Teleread.org, an advocacy group for digital libraries. David Rothman is the primary contact there - I've never met him or dealt with him in any way, but something he wrote the other day really resonated with a message I've been trying to get out regarding the business model for ebooks:

I wish more publishers would get it. If they don?t want a whole generation to grow up shunning commercial e-books, then they need to work more closely with the library world. The library model means free e-books for consumers while preserving compensation for writers and publishers.

He goes on to say:

Imagine the digital-and-educational divide angle?and the blessing that the e-library model...could mean for the poor and the rest of us, while still providing for revenue for the publishing industry.

Thank you, David, for so thoroughly articulating what I've been trying to say for years.
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