Multimillion-dollar book advances have been around for a long time, but can the publishing industry really afford to offer high-risk advances? And do Tina Fey and Kathy Griffin merit seven-figure deals?...
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for book publishing industry Wed, Apr 15 2009 15:04:26 EDT
Multi-million-dollar book advances have been around for a long time, but can the publishing industry really afford to offer high-risk advances? And do Tina Fey and Kathy Griffin merit seven-figure deals?...
From: NPR Topics: Business Wed, Apr 15 2009 11:11:00 EDT
Early publishing industry reports indicate a turn around in book sales for 2009. PhiferReader.com book holder products should benefit from the growing book sales....
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for book publishing industry Wed, Apr 15 2009 5:05:00 EDT
While the nation's struggling economy has been a bust for many, it may be a boon for libraries. Nationwide, library visits are up 10 percent from 2006, according to the American Library Association. The ALA also reported that more than two-thirds of Americans have a library card, up 5 percent from two years ago....
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for "American Library Association" Wed, Apr 15 2009 2:09:59 EDT
The counterfeit college essay has turned into a sophisticated money-making machine, invisible to plagiarism-detection software. Tom Bartlett, senior reporter for The Chronicle of Higher Education, investigated how essay mills are multiplying and going global....
From: NPR Topics: Politics & Society Tue, Apr 14 2009 14:17:00 EDT
People with untreated severe mental illnesses may pose a greater risk to the future of America's public libraries than does the invention of the Internet, according to a new survey released in the March/April edition of American Libraries, the journal of the American Library Association....
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for "American Library Association" Tue, Apr 14 2009 9:15:12 EDT
Amazon.com apologized Monday for an "embarrassing and ham-fisted cataloging error" that led to the sales ranking being removed from tens of thousands of books....
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for book publishing industry Mon, Apr 13 2009 20:32:14 EDT
A computer error that caused thousands of books on Amazon.com to lose their sales rankings led to cries of censorship from some critics. ...
From: NYT > Business Mon, Apr 13 2009 20:28:47 EDT
Stories about romance and passion are flying off the shelves....
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for book publishing industry Mon, Apr 13 2009 17:10:47 EDT
It's National Library Week , but we're off to a sad start. Judith Krug, founder of the famed Banned Books Week and director of the Chicago-based American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom, passed away this weekend. Judith Platt, president of the ALA's Freedom to Read Foundation, told the Associated Press Krug passed away Saturday at Evanston Hospital after a year-long bout ......
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for "American Library Association" Mon, Apr 13 2009 15:16:18 EDT
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