It might be a book lover's dream, but it could prove a nightmare for the publishing industry: a "YouTube for documents" where you can download, among other things, free copies of the Harry Potter novels and the Booker prize-winning The White Tiger. More than 50,000 new documents a day are uploaded to Californian website Scribd.com , which has 50 million users keen to share an eclectic mix of ......
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for book publishing industry Wed, Apr 1 2009 7:42:10 EDT
April 12 through 18 is National Library Week. The American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country encourage you to celebrate with us. We are celebrating 50 years of service and the contributions of libraries and librarians during this...
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for "American Library Association" Wed, Apr 1 2009 1:23:32 EDT
Creative Commons Thailand has adapted Creative Commons licenses to Thai law! The localized licenses, launching April 2 at the Bangkok Art and Culture Centre, enable Thai creators to easily share creative works by lowering legal barriers and prohibitive transaction costs. The Thai team, led by Mr. Phichai Phuechmongkol of Dharmniti Law Office (DLO), conducted the license [...]...
From: Creative Commons » CC News Tue, Mar 31 2009 12:03:35 EDT
"For generations the publishing industry has worked on a fairly standard schedule, taking nine months to a year after an author delivered a manuscript to put finished books in stores....
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for book publishing industry Mon, Mar 30 2009 21:49:04 EDT
Under normal circumstances, if a group of 11 USAO graduates are together, there must be an Alumni Association event. But this happens everyday at Tate Publishing in Mustang, where more than 10 percent of the publishing company's workforce are alums of the University of Science and Arts....
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for book publishing industry Mon, Mar 30 2009 17:44:53 EDT
NewsFactor - Big Blue has lost some friends in the clouds. This weekend, IBM was in the eye of a storm dealing with companies such as Google, Amazon.com, and Microsoft. The Internet search giant, the online retailer and the software behemoth all withdrew support for IBM's effort to launch a cloud-computing initiative....
From: Yahoo! News: Business Mon, Mar 30 2009 11:45:46 EDT
The Library of Congress (LC) will begin sharing content from its vast video and audio collections on the YouTube (www.youtube.com) and Apple iTunes (www.apple.com/itunes) web services as part of a continuing initiative to make its treasures more-widely accessible to a broad audience. The new LC channels on each of these services will launch within the next few weeks. All content made available on third-party sites will also be available on the LC's own website at www.loc.gov....
From: Information Today News Breaks Mon, Mar 30 2009 0:00:00 EDT
In Yolo County, National Library Week (April 12-18) is being celebrated the entire month of April.The national observance, held since 1958 and sponsored by the American Library Association and libraries across the country, is a time to celebrate the contributions of libraries, librarians and...
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for "American Library Association" Sat, Mar 28 2009 5:33:21 EDT
Booksellers, libraries try to parse law WICHITA - Local libraries and second-hand bookstores are weighing whether they'll have to remove kids' books from their shelves to comply with a new law intended to get the lead out of children's products....
From: Yahoo! News Search Results for "American Library Association" Fri, Mar 27 2009 2:21:46 EDT
Creative Commons licensing has been highlighted in a couple prominent discussions of “cloud computing” documents recently. Last week Sun CEO Jonathan Schwartz wrote about Sun’s cloud computing strategy: Second, we announced the API’s and file formats for Sun’s Cloud will all be open, delivered under a Creative Commons License. That means developers can freely stitch our and [...]...
From: Creative Commons » CC News Thu, Mar 26 2009 17:24:23 EDT
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