January 14 - January 20 2007

IAPHC's International Printing Week


International Printing Week will be celebrated January 14-20, 2007. IAPHC - The Graphic Professionals Resource Network and NAPL will lead the celebration with the theme: essential evolving enduring PRINT. The printed word is an essential tool for the ability of mankind to advance, exchange information and ideas, and to record important events through the course of our time. Print is written communication at the core. Technology evolves continuously, and the forms of communication take on many properties. Yet when it matters, when it is an essential message, expression, idea or image when we want it to endure, it becomes PRINT. Celebrate International Printing Week, January 14 - 20, 2007. Hold a celebration banquet and listen to an inspirational speaker. Collect samples of enduring print and share it with those who appreciate the craft. Because, it�s the birthday anniversary of One Inspirational Printer, Ben Franklin PRINTER, born January 17, 1706. His work endures.

Visit the official event website here.

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