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CHICAGO - In order to recognize the changing role of school library media programs now and in the future, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is developing new learning standards for school library media programs....

WASHINGTON - The American Library Association (ALA) is proud to announce that it now has a space in Second Life , the online community of more than one million users and home to a growing number of library organizations....

Feb. 26 (Bloomberg) -- Pearson Plc, the owner of the Financial Times and publisher Penguin Group Inc., said 2006 profit declined 29 percent from a year earlier, when the company had a gain from the sale of its stake in a Spanish newspaper....

In downtown Westfield, there's a new location for the 72-year-old Town Book Store and a new owner. "Some people did tell me I had lost my mind," proprietor Anne Laird said with a laugh. "I said, 'Please, don't give me any negativity.'...

Version 3.0 Launched

The latest version of the Creative Commons licenses — Version 3.0 — are now available. To briefly recap what is different in this version of the licenses: Separating the “generic” from the US license As part of Version 3.0, we have spun off the “generic” license to be the CC US license and created a new [...]...

CHICAGO - The Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), the fastest growing division of the American Library Association (ALA), is celebrating its first ever Support Teen Literature Day on April 19 as part of ALA 's National Library Week celebration....

CHICAGO - The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS), a division of the American Library Association (ALA), is pleased to announce it 2007 pre-conference line-up for the ALA Annual Conference in Washington ....

Many questions over the future of books were raised yesterday at the "Israel Hi-Tech and New Media Companies at the Service of the Publishing Industry" conference at the Jerusalem International Book Fair. The Internet is altering the status of copyrights, digital formats are breathing new life into books and it will soon be possible to order the printing of a single book....

NEW YORK -- The chairman is coming to BookExpo America. Alan Greenspan, former Federal Reserve Board chairman and author of a widely anticipated memoir, will be the keynote speaker June 1 at the publishing industry's annual national convention, to be held in New York from June 1-3....

Berkeley-based Publishers Group West is something of a quintessential business for the city whose name is synonymous with the counterculture....
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