November 7 - November 11 2007

Interliber 2007

Zagreb, Croatia

INTERLIBER, the 30th International Book and Teaching Appliances Fair will be held from 7-11 November 2007 under the auspices of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia. The successful cooperation of the Croatian Publishers� and Booksellers� Association at the Croatian Chamber of Economy and the Zagreb Fair will continue with the aim to strengthen the regional role of Interliber in the field of publishing industry and enrich the professional-accompanying programme. By introducing Hungary (2003), Bosnia and Herzegovina (2004), the Croatian Heritage Foundation (2005) and Slovenia (2006) as "partner countries", the Interliber fair surpassed national boundaries and gained larger international significance. The presentation of the exhibition programme, promotions of new titles and other professional-accompanying events will take place at a separate stage and in the halls intended for scientific gatherings, conferences and workshops.

Visit the official event website here.

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